Uploading a Document to an Asset

Note: In order to add a an asset file, the role of the logged-in user must include edit access to the Asset Documents feature.

To upload an asset file, refer to the steps that follow.

  1. At the Asset form, click the Documents tab to bring this portion of the form to the front.
  2. In the Upload Document portion of the form, select the Browse button, found in the Choose Document field.

Assets form - Documents tab - Upload Document Portion of Form - Choose Document Field

  1. The File Upload form appears. Browse to the network or computer location where the file to be uploaded is found.

File Upload window

  1. Select the file. It is placed in the File name field. The following file types may be uploaded to the asset: PDF, DOC, DOCX, RTF, XLS, XLSX, TXT, PPT, PPTX, JPG, JPEG, GIF, and BMP.

File Upload window - File name field

  1. Press the Open button. The File Upload form closes. You are returned to the Asset form. The file name is placed in the Choose Document field. If the file type is not a supported file type, a message appears to notify you that the document file type is not supported and may not be uploaded to the asset.
    1. You may remove this file from the Choose Document field, before uploading it to the asset, by selecting the Clear Selection icon Clear Selection icon to the right of the file name.

Asset form - Documents tab - Choose Document field - Clear Selection icon

  1. If you want to add a description for the document, enter it in the Enter Document Description field.
    1. You may remove this file from the Choose Document field, before uploading it to the asset, by clicking the Clear Selection iconClear Selection icon.

Asset form - Documents tab - Enter Document Description field

  1. To upload the file to the asset, select the Upload iconUpload icon.
  2. An Uploading File message appears onscreen.

Uploading message

  1. When the file is finished uploading, the message closes and the file is placed in the File grid.

Asset form - Documents tab - Documents section - Document file uploaded

  1. Continue to upload files until you are finished. You may upload a maximum of 5 files to the asset.

Asset form - Documents tab - Showing 5 documents uploaded to asset